It's a few days later than I was anticipating being able to post some more of my experiences at camp, but the last two days hav been a little busier than I anticipated. Sunday afternoon we went back to church and played volleyball with the young adults for a while, and then that evening we had a basketball scrimmage for a church league that starts next week (?) - this is another one of those things that I don't really know many details, I just get in the car when they tell me to...haha.
And yesterday, we spend the morning harvesting the rice fields - it only took about 2.5 - 3 hours (to clear the field), but it was a hard couple hours of work. There were about 6 guys with machete that would go out and cut the rice off about half way down the plant, and then the rest of us would gather and take it and put it in a pile so that it could be run through a machine that separates the grains from the stalk. The bundles of rice that we carried out of the field were usually between 20 and 30lbs, which I know that ow doesn't sounds like much, but add the fact that your walking through the field in mud that comes halfway up your calves - its gets tiring pretty quick!
In the afternoon I went to get my visa extended, and that has been somewhat more of a process than anticipated, but I will finish that up tomorrow. After that I went with a couple of people from Bethel to have a Bible story with some of the kids from one of the feeding programs we did a couple weeks back - they asked that we come back every now and then to do a Bible story with them - that was exciting to hear, and just as encouraging was how excited the kids were when we showed up, partially because we were there, but some of them were genuinely excited to here a story from the Bible (kids between the ages of 5 and 13) - that was great to see! And then last night we went to a carnival for the towns local fiesta that has been going on the last week.
Camp - the kids were divided into 1 of 5 different colors, and those were their teams for the week. The games every afternoon were competitions to earn points, and at the end of the camp the winners get a prize. Some of the games were different water relays, building human towers in the pool, and a Bible quiz bowl. There was also an obstacle to course that involved a lot of mud - some of the staff (myself included) did that one, I enjoyed that! And afterwards I actually raced Mac Mac, one of the Sankey kids, in a head to head, full contact race through the course...I thought that the full contact aspect of it would allow me to win for sure, being that I'm twice his size, but that didn't matter since I couldn't catch him. He beat me twice in a row, and made sure as many people knew about it as possible - haha!
We also did an amazing race at the beach, the teams all went around to different stations and completed different tasks as fast as they could. My station was to have 5 members do a trust fall, the first group flew threw it, because they picked five people who weren't scared at all, so I made an adjustment and before they started the task, I asked who was afraid of heights, and had those people do it! That slowed things down a bit!
The camp food was good, I was tired of rice by the end of the week though. We had white rice with every meal - and for breakfast, one of the other dishes in addition to white rice, was fried rice - I chuckled a bit about that. The last day at the beach some of the kids and I had an unofficial snack - we ate crab fresh from the sea, and still alive! They were only about the size of a quarter and it started out as a dare, so I said I would do it if a couple other people did, and sure enough, I ate one first and then 2 other guys and 1 girl ate one as well. It wasn't bad, I could taste a bit of crab, but the strongest taste was the salt from the water.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
May 29th
Saturday, May 26, 2012
May 26th
I had a great week at camp! I had originally thought that I was going to be a counselor for the camp, however I just ended up being on "staff" - which basically just allowed me to wonder around for group to group most of the time. I helped out with some of the games, but that wasabout the extent to which I was on "staff." But that was okay with me, because then I was able to go around and meet more kids and spend time with them. The majority of the kids were in high school and college, but there were a few younger kids around 10 and 12. And even though a lot of them were in college, they were younger than what we might typically think of as college age. Many schools here, from the sounds of it, don't have what we consider 7th and 8th grade - so it is not uncommon for a first year college student to be around the age of 16. There were around 50-60 kids, from churches in this area and in the Manilla area.
The first two days of camp were at Bethel - the church I have been going to - and on the 3rd morning we packed up and headed about an hour away to a Christian owned beach resort. It wasn't what you would think when we typically use the term resort, but it was still a nice place. Most of us actually never swam in the sea, there were too many jellyfish, but there was a pool that we spent a good amount of time in.
The structure of the camp was very similar to what I am used to with camps i've been to in the past. Speaker sessions in the morning and evening, games and free time in the afternoon. We were up every morning at 5:00 for a 5:30 devotion, and even though the scheduled lights out time was 10:00, we weren't done with planned activities until 11 or 12 most nights - haha! So very little sleep these past few nights. The one night we spent at the beach, I ended up only sleeping for an hour and a half. Much of the group was up until 1:30 or so, but I decided to sleep under a kubo (pavillion), on a bench. I thought it would fun to sleep outside - it was a better thought than it was in reality - the mosquitos, heat, and hard bench kept me up most of night. I can't complain though, because I was warned about all of those things prior to. Thanks to God though I had enough energy to make it through the day with that little of sleep, and no nap in the afternoon.
The kids all seemed to like the speaker - for the most part I didn't understand his lessons - he used some English, and the bible verses were in english, and with the Tagalog I know I was able to get the idea of each lesson, but not a lot of the details. My favorite part, as o it is has with most places I go here, was just getting to know the people and spending time with them. For the most part I bank on their knowledge of English in order to have an actual conversation, but in passing and in quick questions I would practice my Tagalog.
In my next post, maybe tomorrow night, I will talk about some more specific details and experiences of the week. I didn't take any pictures, but I will try to track some down from other people, and hopefully I can add those in the next post as well!
Monday, May 21, 2012
May 21st
Still painting! Haha! Today we moved up in the world though, literally, as we painted the roof of the staff house. Myself and one other guy did most of it, while others worked in the classrooms and doing other things around Sankey. Today was my last day of work here at Sankey for a couple days though. The church that I have been going to with the Luchavez family is hosting a 4 day camp that I am going to be a counselor for, and that starts tomorrow. We will spend 2 days at the church and then 2 days at a beach somewhere - they have told me what beach but I forget. That kind of thng happens a lot - the combination of strange place names and the accent of the person who is telling it to me - I usually ended up just saying "oh - okay," because I figure I will just be riding with someone else anyway! So, because of this camp I won't be able to post anything new until the end of the week - but then I should have some stories of what we did at the camp!
There is a big group of campers here at Sankey now - probably 50-75. We kind of just stay out their way as much as possible. My new thing to do, I can understand if I am passing someone and they say (in Tagalog) to whoever they are with: "there's an American" - I like to reply (in Tagalog): "Where? No, I'm Filippino." Haha - most of them understand its a joke, but some of them give me a weird look.
Going to go up to my house early tonight - I have been reading (Woah! I know, me, reading - those two words often aren't in the same sentence if I am speaking) a book called God's Smuggler. I am actually really enjoying it - its an old book, but it's about how a Dutch guy came to be a missionary. Great lessons about redemption and living with that missional mindset wherever you may be, and learning to trust God, for everything! I would recommend it to anyone looking for a decent read with some substance.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
May 17th - Pictures
So when I posted that last post it randomly scrambled all the pictures so now my referencing to them in the post is incorrect - just wanted to let you all know to avoid any confusion. You should still be able to figure out which pictures are of what - I hope! Sorry.
May 17th
To those who knew that I wasn't feeling well, I am feeling much better now! Ever since about Tuesday afternoon I have been back to normal. Monday wasn't too bad, I just had very little energy from not eating much the previous day and a half. And it's a good thing I wasn't sick any longer - I can't afford to not eat. Several people have commented that I have gotten thinner since I've been here, so I weighed myself the other day - I'm down over 20lbs now! The last couple days I have been trying to Americanize more of my meals, because it's not that I'm not eating, in fact I am very rarely hungry, but the combination of working outside and sweating and eating rice, fish, and vegetables with the kids at least once a day, sometimes twice a day = weight loss...haha!
Anyway, I have pictures!! We have still been painting for most of the last few days. I think all of the outside of buildings are done, a few people are still painting a few of the roofs, but most of the work has been in the classrooms. I took some pictures of some of the artwork on the walls that some of the girls have done - a couple of them are really good!
Then, we have my attempt at a map of Sankey/Cugley - haha! It is in no way proportional, but it gives you an idea of the layout, but the other pictures will hopefully help with that. After the picture of the map is a picture taken from the entrance looking in - the gym is in the left, and the building all the way in the back is the mission house where I stay. The next picture is taken from my balcony looking out at the entrance - gym is on the right, classrooms on the left. Then I panned to the left, still from my balcony and those are the other classrooms and the soccer field. I couldn't get a somewhat aerial shot of the dorms to the left of the gym, but in an earlier post I have pictures of those buildings.
Lastly, are a few pictures from another feeding program we did today! We did the same things as last time, just a new location and different kids - but still great!
Oh, and I just remembered I have some pictures of another cool restaurant that we stopped by the other day! We didn't eat there, just looked! Some of the seating is on land, but there is more out on the water in the building in the first picture. And if that isn't cool, they use the contraption in the next two pictures to send food down to the people at those tables...I did not get to see it in action, but I was still impressed! They also had some ostrich there that I thought were for viewing amusement purposes - which I guess is one role they play, but after looking at a menu they serve a second purpose as well...

Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!
I want to start by wishing a happy mother's day to all the moms! Especially to my mom, grandmas, and all of those who have been like a mom to me!
Things have been well here the last week. We have done a lot of painting - both in the classrooms and on the outside of Sankey/Cugley. There was a lot to paint, but when you have 20 or so people working on it, it goes fairly quickly.
Last Thursday I helped with another feeding program, this time with a different church though. This one was held at a nearby elementary school, and there was a fairly good turnout of kids. We played some games, shared a bible story with them, and then passed out soup and some school supplies that had been donated. In those kind of situations some of the kids are really shy around me, while others have no problem talking to me. Between the little Tagalog I speak and the little English that they speak, we can usually get by pretty well...haha!
Well, basketball is over now. We lost the first two games of the best of 3 series. It was fun playing, but I am kind of glad it over. Those last couple games that really meant something it was becoming difficult to manage my level of competitiveness and having a God-honoring attitude. It comes back to having the mindset of what I am here to do - not to win basketball games (though there is nothing wrong with that, or even with being competitive so long as it is done approprately) but to love those around me, even if they are wearing a different jersey.
Monday, May 7, 2012
May 7th
Not a whole lot new to report. The last couple days have been spent primarily here at Sankey. We have been doing a little work at Cugley, the private elementary school here at Sankey. Some of the Sankey kids still go there but many have graduated and now attend high school in town. This morning we actually went and walked around some of the nearby neighborhoods passing out informational flyers for the school. Anyway, we have been cleaning and repainting the classrooms and getting things in order. School starts the first or second week in June - which is kind of strange to think about since that is when almost all schools in the States get out for the summer.
I had McDonalds for the first time in a while last Sunday - that is where we went to lunch after church. They have many of the same items on the menu, with the addition of rice, of course. But the burgers taste the same here as they do back home - unhealthy, but delicious! (Especially since I haven't had one in 6 weeks or so). At the mall nearby they have a few different American restaurants (McDonalds, kfc, and a pizza hut stand). It is a fairly large mall, for those of you familiar with the malls in Midland or Saginaw, it is probably slightly larger than either of those. That is where I do most of my grocery shopping for each week as well.
Our basketball league is coming to an end. We won our first playoff game yesterday, and the first game in a best of 3 series for the championship is tomorrow. We play the team that we played in the first game, and who was the only team to beat us. Should be some good games, and fun!
I don't expect there to be a whole lot new to write about in to next couple of days, so if anyone has any questions that you might want me to try and answer about life in the Philippines, I will give it my best shot.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
<p>This is in response to a question that a number of people have asked me in an email or facebook message - so hopefully all of you will read this that way I only have to write one response :) Essentially the question is: has my experience here in the Philippines thus far led to a lot of "spiritual growth" in myself, or drawn me noticeably closer to God?</p>
<p>Many of us have experienced that "spiritual high" that comes after a short term mission trip - whether it be a week of doing inner city missions or a habitat building trip - those, for most people, myself included, tend to be times of great spiritual growth. So one might think that because I have been here 6 or 7 weeks, I should have a similar, but magnified result, right? Not really. I don't have that "spiritual high" feeling, and any "spiritual growth" that may be taking place has been so gradual that I haven't really noticed. </p>
<p>Granted I haven't been here that long, and in the grand scheme of things 5 months really isn't that long either, but this experience has been more like a marathon, whereas the one week mission trip I went on in the past was more like a sprint. On my week long trip, everyday was a good day and there was almost always that immediate result and gratification from knowing "I'm doing mission work." Nothing that I have been doing feels like "mission work." I haven't had the feeling that I am making a huge impact in anyway or on anyone. I don't know if this distinction will make a lot of sense, but it feels more like I am simply living here, than it does that I am on a mission trip. Everything has a very real feel sense about it. </p>
<p>I have good days, and days that aren't so good. Days when I am encouraged, and days when certain realities can be discouraging. I am experiencing the same high and low feelings as I did when I was living back in the States and going to school or working. But here, because I have the mindset that I am here as a missionary, I am more intentional in my actions. I take more seriously the challenge to be an example of Jesus to those around me. I am still far from perfect emulation, but the thought of being that example is more prevalent and influential in my thought processes and decisions.
I am learning what it looks like to have a mission-oriented mindset in everyday living; when there aren't always immediate results and it doesn't always feel like you are making a huge impact. Whether or not I have the title of "missionary" should not influence the way I live. I should be intentionally loving and trying to serve those around me not because I am a missionary, but because I claim to be a follower of Jesus - because when I return to the States I lose that title of "missionary," but I will still be a Christian.
I appreciate the encouraging letters and emails that I receive from many of you. May I also encourage you all to continue to live as Christians and to keep loving and serving those people in your own life, whether they be fellow students, coworkers, family, or friends. You may never know the difference you make in their lives or feel like you are making an impact, but I hope you can come to find joy and satisfaction in simply being obedient by loving and serving them, for it is then that God is glorified. And it is when God is glorified in our own lives that the lives around us are most impacted.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
May 2nd
Today was a fairly inactive day, which was kind of nice. We just did a little work here around Sankey in the morning and then a little in the afternoon. The rest of the day I just spent hanging out with some of the kids. There was a beautiful sunset this evening that I tired to get a picture of, but I could find a clear view, and the picture I did take turned out to dark. The sky had that reddish tint to it and from where Sankey is at the sun sets behind a volcano. It looked really cool. I wish I could of gotten a picture.
Anyway, yesterday was a long day. Some of us were up and out by 4:30. We traveled a couple hours to a sportsfest for churches in the metromanilla area. They had all sorts of activities for all ages - swimming, ping pong, pool, basketball, volleyball. I played with thebasketball team. We sort of won the championship, and I say sort of because the game ended about 10 minutes early due to a fight that almost broke out...haha. It kind of reminded me of some of the more competitive games in church league softball. Our guys were all much bigger and on a couple different occasions when going up for rebounds their player would run into one of ours and go down pretty hard. After the third time and their bench cleared they decided to call the game. We were up 20 points or so so they just said we won.
We didn't get home until around 8:30 last night and I was extremely tired. I tried sleeping on the way home, but with I think 18 people in the back of the Sankey truck (the white vehicle that I have previously posted a picture of) there wasn't much room to sleep.
Half of the time my camera doesn't work, and I don't know why, so I don't have any new pictures that I have taken. I'm still trying to figure out how to get pictures from facebook to here, as most of you know I'm not too tech savvy.