Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26

I had some time for another short post. I have mentioned Kuya Toto in some past posts and I willing future, so for those of you who don't know, he is the director the orphanage. He live across the street and its him, his wife Atti Bebs, and three kids, Jake, Jaycelle, and Tovi (probably misspelled). All the kids are right around my age.
This morning I went with some of the adult staff and a few of the kids tothe marketplace. That was quitethe experience! I definitely stood out - being tall and white drew quite a bit of attention my way. But it was fun - I got to try some more Filippino cuisine there and experience and environment like nothing I have before. It sounds like like they go a couple times a week, so I am sure I will go again!
Because it is still raining we stayed inside most of the day again, just hanging out. I played basketball with one of the guys tonight, he was the only one who wanted to play - everyone else said it was too cold (its probably 70 degrees)... Haha!
More later...hope everyone is doing well back in the States!


  1. Jonathan, we thoroughly enjoy and look forward to your postings on your blog. We send prayers, hugs and love always to you.

  2. Hey buddy! I love that your keeping us up to date and that it sounds like your having a great time! And idk what those kids are thinking that 70 degrees is too cold to play bball. That is a perfect temp! I wish I was with you and it has not even been a week and I miss you already man! Isaiah and I were talking about you today. I gotta give him your blog so he can be posted on all of Crazylegs adventure!

    1. I think the name of your blog should have been Crazylegs Adventures....hahah :)

  3. Glad you are having fun there buddy. I don't think its really sunk in yet that you are halfway across the world. Everytime I am thinking of doing something and go to text you I have to catch myself realizing you probably won't be able to make it :) Nice to see the updates and glad you are enjoying the experience. Love ya.

  4. Thanks Jonathan for posting more about your time in the Philippines - I am so glad you are willing and able to share your experiences with everyone here. Sounds like right now that every day brings a new adventure - I look forward to hearing about them all! My motherly advice for this post...if you are going to eat with your hands - make sure they are clean! We miss you and continue to pray for you. I love you (more than Brent and Josh)!!

  5. Jonathan, sending you yapos and dasal(my attempt at using Tagalog)!
