It's been almost a week back here at Sankey and I am getting settled back I to the routine here with school and what not. I have posted some pictures from last Friday at school - the were celebrating healthy food month. They had been working on different activities the previous weeks when I was gone, and Friday was the culminating event. They performed their skits and winners were announced for essay, slogan and poster contests for each grade.
I'm not sure if you can see it one of the pictures below, but a lot of the younger kids wore hats decorated with a variety of vegetables in different patterns and designs - they were really quite cool looking!
The skits and winners of the competitions were all announced in the morning, and that afternoon when we reconvened the kids broke up into three different groups and each group made a healthy dish and drink - enough for everyone to sample!! I had a lot fun going around watching, and occasionally helping the different groups prepare their dish - I got a few pictures of that.
Throughout my time here I have noticed how much more lax they are with taking precautions than we are in the states - this cooking day was a prime example. I chuckled a little because never in a school in the states would you have a second grader using a 6" knife, or cooking over an open flame (even if they were being supervised). Here, no big deal!
Anyways, the fishes all turned out great! We had vegetable loaded spaghetti, some sort of chicken burger (the green patties in the picture below - I know they don't look overly appealing, but they were actually really good), and fried vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, and leaves...I'm assuming it was some sort of healthy vegetable leaf, but I got a kick out of it - and they say Americans will fry anything.
This week has been pretty regular thus far. It's starting to set in that I only have a few weeks left here, so I'm trying to get as much time in with the kids as possible. I've gone back to eating dinner with the kids more often - so it's back to the canin, isda, at gulay - but like I've been telling the kids, in a few weeks when I'm back in the states I will probably miss it, so I'll enjoy it while I can!
Thursday and Friday are half days for Cugley students this week, they have their first round of tests. So for computers this week we have just been reviewing. Most of the teachers are making up the computer test for their kids and I am just administering it, but I get to make up tests for a couple of the grades (I'm kind of looking foward to being on the making, instead of taking, end a test).

What a wonderful experience that must have been for the kids (and you)!!! We know that you'll miss the children and everyone at Sankey and Rizal -- we know that they'll miss you! Take care. Hugs and love and prayers!