<p><p>I didn't realize it has been a week since my last post...sorry! How the time flies!! This poses a problem, now I have to try to remember all the way back to Monday as to what we have been doing this week...haha. Let's see.... <br><br>
Actually, for the most part I think we have just been doing stuff here around Sankey - the school is pretty much all set now, a few people and the teachers have been putting some finishing touches on the classrooms, but I think it is all set for school to start this Wednesday. I will be teaching 3rd grade computers and doing devotions every morning as well as chapel hour on Fridays (which, due to my inability/dislike for speaking for extended periods of time, we have come to an agreement that it will be chapel half-hour now...haha!) So some of what I have been doing this week is trying to come up with devotions for this fast week and ideas for chapel half hour. It's a slow process...for me anyways. <br><br>
Oh, and Wednesday I lead a book study at the church I have been attending. They are going through the book Purpose Driven Life, and they asked me if I had read the book, to which I replied yes, and the pastor said, "good, you can do this chapter." So I did! I don't know how much of what I said everyone understood, but I know there were atleast a handful of people there who speak English well and could translate to others if neccesary or desired. <br><br>
Maybe it was Thursday, we all went to a resort nearby and swam for much of the day. This was kind of a last hoorah for the kids before the all have to start school again. It just so happened, that the one morning it was cloudy/rainy this week, was the day we went to the pool. It was still fun - and it cleared up every now and the sun came out, so the cold water felt nice especially at those times! <br><br>
Yesterday we had another feeding program. And I had a first at this one. Some of the kids that I meet are immediately drawn to me and we talk and talk. Other are a little more hesitant and shy, but usually after a while I can talk to them a little bit, or at least get a smile or a wave in return. But yesterday, there was a two or three year old girl sitting with I am assuming her sisters or neighbors, and I walked under the pavilion where we were all meeting, and she looked at me with very wide eyes and just started screaming and crying! She would look away for a moment, still crying, and then turn around and look at me again, her eyes would get really big, and start screaming again! Eventually they had to take her out of the pavilion and back to her mom because she couldn't handle me being anywhere in sight - it didn't matter if I was looking at her or if I was near her - if she could see me, she was crying. I felt bad, but it was also a little funny at the same time. <br><br>
The rest of the feeding program was great - a lot of kids at this one, so that was good. I found out after we had a left that the community we were in was a squatter community (which I surprising seeing as how many people were there), and they are currently in a small battle with the owner of the land, trying to negotiate someway for them to keep living there. The owner owns a hotel on the same land, but where these people are staying was at least a couple hundred yards away from the hotel, and the only way to get to it was by walking those couple hundred yards through a field with grass/weeds over my head. <br><br>
The main event today was the boxing match between Pacqiou and Bradley. Everyone knows and the loves Pacqiou here in the Philippines. I bet a couple of the guys a soft drink that Bradley would win (I felt kind of obligated to root for the American) - but it worked out! Tomorrow I have a couple soft drinks coming my way! Haha! The downside of Pacqiou losing, is I have had to listen to at least a half dozen people tell me how Bradley cheated and Pacqiou should have won - haha. <br><br>
Well, that's what was new this last week, or at least some of the highlights. I've included just a few pictures from the feeding program. And there is the picture of Kim, one of the kids here at Sankey, next to a Pacqiou statue at the resort we went swimming at - we were calling it the preview for the fight that happened today...haha.

Thanks, Jonathan, for your post and for the pictures. We so appreciate you keeping us up to date on your days and weeks there in the Philippines. Sending you love and hugs, and you are always in our prayers <3