The rest of the week went well last week. Thursday was similar to the first three days of last week - devotion in the morning then computer class in the afternoon. We had devotion on Friday also, but no computer classes. Instead, I was in charge of chapel hour and gym class in the afternoon. Chapel hour went alright I think - not sure how much the younger kids retained, but the reactions/interactions with the older kids suggest that they all understood - so that was good. I have a short week at school this week as I will leave Thursday morning after devotion to head to Rizal to be a camp counselor for a couple weeks. I'm looking foward to that!
Yesterday was a long day. I was up and out by 3:30 and went with a group from Bethel to a youth conference in Manila called Campus Revolution. It was a conference for high school and college students from all over Luzon. It was at one of the larger domes here in the Philippines, called the Cuneta Astrodome (a large gymnasium where the PBA plays) - I asked one of the guys what the capacity of the place was, and he thought it was 14,000 - and the place was packed, plus chairs on the floor level! I didn't understand much of what the speakers were saying but the worship music was in english and I enjoyed that! Some of the speakers would use english every now and then, plus the verses they used they said in english, so I got the jest of what the were talking about. It was encouraging the kids to become campus revolutionaries - to change the atmosphere of their campuses for Christ because that generation is the future of the Philippines. Judging by the reactions and the enthusiasm of the crowd, the speakers all did really well. We got back last night shortly before 10, and I went straight to bed. Only woke up once between then and 7:30 this morning (which for me is really good!)
I'm not sure if I will be able to post while I am at camp, so I might try to post something Wednesday night before I leave - we will see how eventful the week goes.
I included a couple pictures from the conference yesterday, as well as one of me and the neighbor kid, John John. A couple times over the past week or so when I have been hanging out outside of the guys house he has come over to the fence and yells, "Americano, parito ka!" which means come here American...haha. So I go over and we talk for a little bit. When he says something I don't understand and I tell him that, he yells it louder thinking that will help - I get a kick out of that. I quizzed him on my name a few times this afternoon, we will see if he remembers it the next time he calls me over, or if it's still "Americano. "

Jonathan, you almost make us feel we're there with you when you tell us of your days activities and all the happenings that you're experiencing. Love and hugs and prayers always! <3