I have an assortment of pictures from various events over the last couple days.
The first few are from the church that we have still been working on. It is coming along. We got the last couple beams poured today, and we actually only worked until about 2 today - so it was a nice short day and I got a little nap in this afternoon. I had originally said that we have to raise the floor on the inside a foot and a half...I was wrong. We have to raise it a meters and the half!! The trucks of sand that had been coming could only dump at the door and we had to shovel it all inside. Today they brought a smaller dump truck and they were able to back right in the church and dump it, which was very nice. Although, the passing lines were fun when we had to haul the dirt in using 5 gallon buckets, and actually fairly effective. The picture of the girls below is a group of girls from the neighborhood that have been there everyday watching us. A couple of them speak a decent amount of English so they have been also helping me learn more Tagalog. A couple of the girls are very good singers, so I do what I can to convince them to sing while on breaks.
Tonight I went with the Australian team to restaurant in the mountains - it was neat because most of the tables were on water. You can kind of see it in the picture. They have a bunch of bamboo rafts and on each raft is a table under a small pavilion. We actually weretoo big of a group to sit at one of those tables, but we walked around the place and it was really quite impressive!
The thee night we celebrated the birthdays of a coupe of the Australian folks and we had pig. The pig below, actually. The cook slow roast the whole thing. A couple of the guys stayed back from the work site because someone has to constantly be rotating the pig over the hot coals (its about a 5 or 6hour process I think they said).
I have been feeding the monkey on a regular basis. It will actually climb on me sometimes, which is what I was trying to get a picture of, but go figure, I bring a camera and it won't do it. The the day it was on my shoulder icing things out of my hair. When I tried today it stood at my feet and picked at the hair on my legs.
One of the kids actually just brought a lizard in to show me. It's fairly big, probably about a foot (half of that is tail though). He told me that they are going to keep it and once it gets a little bigger - no surprise here - eat it! Can't wait! Haha.
We have tomorrow off - no work! I am playing in a basketball league with some of the guys and our first game is tomorrow night.
More in a couple days. Hope everyone is well!

Thanks, Jonathan for catching us up on all your activities these past few days. As always the pictures are wonderful as are the pictures that Bebs posts on FB and tags you in so we can all see those, too. She says that they all love you at Sankey -- which we already knew they would. Keep up the great work you are doing and we are glad to see you having great fun, too. We are all well and keeping busy although not as busy as you are!! Love and prayers always!
ReplyDelete2000 Oldsmobile Silhouette AC Compressor
ReplyDeleteHey buddy that was a gud post
lot of quality stuff and essential information
Jonathan, Thanks so much for keeping us up to date on all your activities. From your comments and pictures you are keeping really busy, meeting lots of people, doing a lot of new things and enjoying it all!! I am so happy for you! We are all well here, pretty much just the usual stuff though. Take care, we continue to pray for you. Love you!!
ReplyDeleteJonathan! I just love reading about your life there. The pictures are great too. I think you should bring that monkey home with you ;) And don't let them eat that poor lizzard! He could be my Bitterman's relative! haha Miss you a ton and praying for you!
ReplyDeleteGeez your life is exciting right now! I love reading about it. :) Missing you tons, but so happy you're having a blast there!
ReplyDelete"Hey pig wanna apple? Yeah sure ill have an apple......hey what are you doing with that spear? owwwwwww" Gotta love some pig man. Also could you bring that monkey home with you because I have always wanted a monkey but go figure the dream squasher wont let me have one. I am sure your muscles are getting really huge from all of that lifting so you can keep beating up eric! haha. Enjoy your day off man missing you here in the States of United America.