Good weekend! It has finally stopped raining, but as a result it has been very hot and humidity again. Saturday we went to the cour have for a graduation party-type thing for a couple of (non-Sankey) kids that attend the church. The picture below was taken there. I think all the kids in this picture are from Sankey (I didn't look to closely at).
While there yesterday pastor Bernard first asked me to sing or dance at the service this morning... Haha!! I declined, so instead I shared some of my testimony. The combination of heat and my dislike for public speaking made for a pretty sweaty experience. Luckily I took a small towel so I don't think I looked to sweaty, I think I was able to keep it under control.
Hopefully I can sleep tonight. Yesterday when cutting grass the guys had me cut the section where they knew there were fire ants. I didn't know that until it was too late, so I spent half the night awake with an itchy foot from all the bites! Haha!

C'mon Jon, no singing or dancing. Next time you should wear shoes when you cut the grass. At least you did not play tackle football in that field.