Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone!
We were up dark and early the morning - 4:30 so we could be at a sonrise service at 5. They had a little Easter egg Hunt after that and then we went to the beach for the morning. It was another hot day, so even though the water was super salty, it was still nice to swim.
I was pretty tired after we got back so a nap was in order and then I just hung out with the kids. I spent the last couple nights staying in the guys dorm as acting dorm parent because the actual dorm parent couldn't be here. It was fun, but I didn't get much sleep.
Just a short post this evening, but I hope you all have a good Easter!


  1. Jonathan, we send joyous Easter greetings to you. We know the Sunrise Service was wonderful and another great experience in the Philippines. We leave in just a bit for our worship service. Always sending prayers, love and hugs to you.

  2. Happy Easter Jonathan!! Love you!!

  3. Jon -

    Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Easter too! It looks like you're having a great time over there! So happy that your transition is going smoothly and all. Keep on doing what you're doing and you're going to make a huge impact on those kids!


  4. It's so awesome to hear about some of what you're up to!! You are a great blogger!! Also, literally laughed out loud when I read "up dark and early" hahaha. I'm so glad youre doing well! Continued prayers for you!

    1. hahaha I laughed at the up dark and early too! So clever you are ;) What a fun Easter!
