Thursday, March 22, 2012

Almost there!

A majority of my flying is out of the way - I arrived at the airport in Korea about an hour ago but still have a couple hours until my flight to Manilla.  The flight from Chicago to Seoul only ended up being a little over 14 hours - which is still a lot, but compared to the original 18 hours I thought it was going to be, 14 is looking pretty good.  And even then, the 14 hours went fairly quick.  I accidentally slept through the first meal on the flight so when I woke up all they had was the Korean food option actually wasn't that bad. It was rice and some strange vegetables with fish soup. 
I ended up getting stuck in the middle seat on the flight - in between a guy from Canada and a guy I am guessing is from Korea - he didn't  speak English so we didn't talk much.  He was nice though - he offered me half of his Twix!
Well, I am going to go walk around and do some people watching before I have to catch my next flight, but I wanted to let you all know that I didn't get lost in the Chicago airport and I wasn't detained in Korea.  Thank you everyone who is keeping my safety in your prayers.


  1. Yay for not getting lost! Yay for only 14 hours! And yay for Twix! :) So happy you made it to destination #2 safely!

    -Kate & Brent

  2. Jonathan, we knew you wouldn't have any problems. However, on figuring all your travel time -- I started my calculations when you left Freeland and arrived at Sankey --- I figured you traveled about 32 hours!!! Quite a feat and QUITE an accomplishment! We were thankful to read your blog and look forward to more. Love, Nonna and GrandBob
