Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29th

For the most part it has still been raining the last couple of days. Sometimes just sprinkling and other time downpouring. Today I was actually going to go help fix a roof at, I think a church, nearby but we couldn't do that because of the rain. So I went back to the farm with the guys and helped them cut some more grass. We also spent a half hour or so trying to catch a pig that had gotten loose last night... that was fun!
Yesterday the Army brought a basketball team to Sankey to play against the kids. (I don't know if I have mentioned this, but when I say kids, most of them are teenagers, ranging in age from 15 to 18. There are a few younger, but not many.) Anyways, Jake, Kuya Toto's son, who is the same age as myself, he and I played on the team withthekids from Sankey. We ended up winning 101-47. The kids here are very good! One of the guys, Kim, is actually trying out for the city team, which everyone else who is trying out is at least 20 or older, and Kim is only 16. I went to one of the tryout nights last night, and in my unbiased opinion he was definitely in the top 3 of the probably 30 guys trying out.
Well, I had balut today!!!! (I will let those of you who don't know what that is look it up for yourself.) And I only gagged once! It actually tasted very much like a hard boiled egg, it's appearance and my knowledge of it was is what mad me gag as I took a bite of what was clearly the leg and foot.
Tomorrow we will probably try to work on that roof it is not raining, otherwise I plan to go to the market again for round two.
One of the kids asked me if I have a camera and why I haven't been bringing it along to take pictures of the stuff we are doing. So as soon as it stops raining I will start doing that and will post some pictures.


  1. Jonathan, we actually know what balut is --- a fertilized egg --- we can only imagine chewing through the legs, etc. You are A BRAVE FELLOW!!! You rank right up there with the top contestants on "Survivor"!! We are trying to learn some Tagalog -- dasal and yapos -- are our only words but not sure about the tense and/or plural, etc.We anxiously await seeing some of your pictures. Thanks again for your mission service and for making us feel a small part of it by your posts. Love, Nonna and GrandBob

  2. Dude you ate a baby duck! That is crazy! Now you really have done it all. So I am glad you get to keep up on your basketball skills while over there. I was wondering what Crazylegs translates to Tagalog would be? Because you have to let them know what your real name is. And after watching you play basketball all of those kids were probably thinking, "wow he has some Crazylegs!" I bet that balut would have tasted better if you were able to rub some Daddy Butter on it or maybe have some carmel yak to have as an on tray. Love you brother glad to hear your having a great time!
